Wednesday, 17th January 2007: Free Show @ The Launch of CM Annexe


Carburetor Dung Free Show!
Event starts 8.30 PM
Wednesday, 17th Jan 2007
2nd Floor, The Annexe, Central Market KL
Free Food & Drink (till it lasted lah!)

Apa khabar, good people!

Carburetor Dung will be playing a FREE show this WEDNESDAY, 17th Jan 2007 at the 2nd floor, Central Market Annexe (the building behind Central Market), Kuala Lumpur. It event starts at 8.30pm but we’ll be playing around 9.30pm.

This will be our first show of the year and we’ll have some of our experimental friends doing an improv around the end of our set. This will also be the first time we are going to perform with our sometimes saxaphonista, Mr. Faecal Matter (AKA Yandsen AKA Yong Yen Sen, ex-Moxuan/Monkey Records). Other guests jamming with us includes Aziz Ciplak, Ah Tham (ex-Chong Yang) and many more.

Dung and guests will be playing a 25 minutes set with old and new tunes.

The show is free with free food and drinks from the Bau Bau Cafe.
The Ricecooker Shop will also feature some indie-film screening till late night; this includes Osman Ali’s Bukak Api (a film about the lives of transexuals and sex workers, made by the people themselves!) and Malaikat Di Jendela (a short film on the live of a village woman shunned by the people around her due to the fear of AIDS).

The event is the soft-launch of the Central Market Annexe building as an artspace and other performers for the night will be many and come from very different backgrounds and genres; traditional, modern, surreal! Theater actors, dancers, artists, poets, and many-many more; including The Handsome Rais!

Joe Kidd


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