Category: joe’s blog

joe’s personal blog; when he’s bothered enough that is.

Mata Buta – An attempt at an explanation…

Mata Buta – An attempt at an explanation…

A few years ago we wrote and recorded a simple song; a short, fast burst of a dirty ditty, heavy with exasperate anger. It’s called simply Mata Buta or roughly translated as “blind eye”,...

“It’s like you’re having a baby” 0

“It’s like you’re having a baby”

“It’s like you’re having a baby”, said Bullet on my anxiety over the mix we did last night. Me, Fendi and him spent the Friday night and the whole of Saturday morning mixing the...

Joe Can’t Sleep: Preparing for WPFD07 0

Joe Can’t Sleep: Preparing for WPFD07

Dang! It’s 2.30am and I have to wake at 8 tomorrow. Anyway, the band went for our first rehearsal since that Stick It To The Man show which now seemingly aeons ago. And for...

I Invented Punk 3

I Invented Punk

“I invented punk. Everybody knows that. But I stole it from Greg Shaw, who also invented power pop. And he stole it from Dave Marsh, who actually saw Question Mark and the Mysterians live...

Back from the dead… 0

Back from the dead…

Well, the band is still quite “dead” at the moment! But this site is up again after the quite disasterous change of server months ago. I somehow managed to reinstall the database a few...

ricecooker zine hacked! 0

ricecooker zine hacked!

I found out earlier today that my online zine ricecooker was empty of articles! and the forum page defaced. Both have been hacked with my database probably hacked too. This is really upsetting. There...

Quake 2 2

Quake 2

It was just after midnight, I was playing with one of my 8 cats, Baby, on the sofa when I felt like the sofa’s swaying.