Saturday, 29th March 2008: Three Chords & The Truth! @ MCPA Hall, KL


As I write this (a day before the show), Fendi is in India doing film-reformating for his upcoming movie. So about a week ago we jammed with our friend Jeffrey AKA Dr. Jeff The Skin’ead on bass. To make things easier on the guys we will be playing mostly old melodic songs.

Joe Kidd


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4 Responses

  1. Vincent says:

    EH LYNN!!!
    Which part of OZ you in???
    Vincent here la. You better don’t ask me which vincent ok!
    Looks like everyone got family already huh?
    Saw siti’s brother at a gig in substation about 2 weeks back when carburateur dung came down to play. It has been like what? 15 years since i saw them play when we went up for a gig in KL and when psychosonique played and we got into a whole lot of trouble with the “nazi punks” there you remember? THen that night it was raining and we were running to catch a bus when you slipped and fell on the grass on the road divider then me and mohairi kept laughing non stop..haha. Well in might be two different trips up to KL we made but i still remember it clearly. Hope all is good with you.

  2. rahimie says:

    aku nk mntak cuti nktgk gig ni!!!

  3. Joe Kidd says:

    Owh! you got two posts! sorry, I overlooked this. So Siti’s married eh? dang!

  4. Lynn says:

    hi Apa khabar semua.
    i’m lynn from psycho sonique. I’m looking for our song i’m gonna crash, if anyone can help me find it pls let me know. Anyway siti is married donno what happen,fawziah was a flight stewardes but dobt know now,i heard ginette is still rocking,ayu is married to a french guy and just had a baby boy and me living in OZ with 2 beautiful boyz. did i saidi’m married. i got some photo of psycho a go go gigs of us but not gambar siti terkankang!!!! poster of psycho a go go.Wonder what happen to everyone now still rocking or dah relax? me, cuma dah tak punk rambbut dah panjang,dulu orang panggil lynn botak,sekarang lynn rambut gondrong… my husband a surfer so is my son.and my son follow my punk genaration.he got a mohawk and love punk music especially from x ray spec-cliche. anyway take care guyz chat soon.

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