The One Chord Wonders! Yup! We played!


So we did the show. Played first on the list and did five songs. How did we do? Needs work! The two rehearsals we had were not enough to get us up to speed with the tunes. We faltered on The Buzzcocks’ Ever Fallen in Love, and The Adverts’ One Chord Wonders lacks the spirited headlong rush into the ether.

Other songs we did were Chelsea’s I’m On Fire, The Professionals’ Black Leather and Generation X’s Ready, Steady, Go; all of ’em coulda been much better. Me and Alak were much too shy to rawk out as we should!

There’s a video of the whole set and maybe I’ll post it up soon. Meanwhile, if you have a gig coming up, do call us in! We wanna play!

By the way, we are now know individually as: Seednee – guitar + vocals, Alkee – guitar, Kiddnee – bass & Tommee – drums.

Joe Kidd


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