Sunday, 22nd August 1999: Hardcore Against Capitalism @ Hotel Garden, Batu Pahat
note: I can’t remember this show at all. old age gets you y’know! but we had Irman Hilmi (Damage Digital) on the other guitar. Line-Up: Lee – vocals (dreads!), Fendi -bass (mustache), Joe – guitar (in his favourite Seremban show t-shirt) and Ollie – drums (hidden).
UPDATES: “jhai alai n the jabs couldn’t make it that time and were replaced by the very young (now-famous) Overthrown” – comment by co-organiser on FB Jan 2nd 2013.
“Time ni NET x main, yg main Pasrah, ganti NET,” – Mohd Taufiq,on FB Jan 2nd 2013
*Basically, JHAI ALAI, THE JABS (both from Singapore) and N.E.T. (Johor) didn’t play the show. They were replaced by OVERTHROWN & PASRAH.
Pixs posted by Mohd Taufiq Saptri on his Facebook on Nov 10th 2009:

“Satu kepuasan bg sesebuah band kecik untuk berkongsi satu stage dgn antara band kegemaran mereka.
Seeing here was Carburetor Dung, live in Batu Pahat circa 1998 or a bunch of after school kids, dapat berkongsi pentas dengan salah satu band yg Sgt berpengaruh sudah cukup membuatkan kita over excited.. Masa ni Lee (ex The Pilgrims) handle the vocal duty, Joe Kidd took on 1st guitar, Irman Hilmi of Damage Digital on 2nd guitar, Fendi (now a movie director and still active in Dung) took on bass, and drums handled by Olie of Silent Death. It was the most awesome line up Dung ever had.
Utk bdk2 mcm kami ni, kenangan bermain dgn Dung is part of our best moment, if not the best.
The moment Lee shouted “Our flaaaaggggggg….”, it was priceless….salute Carburetor Dung forever !!!” – Taufiq Anaqi, May 21st 2014
A pix posted on FB by Khairul Banjoe Faizal Khalid on Jan 9th 2013
should be around the time c.dung played at dewan sri budi, k. trg