ricecooker zine hacked!

I found out earlier today that my online zine ricecooker was empty of articles! and the forum page defaced. Both have been hacked with my database probably hacked too. This is really upsetting. There are years of articles, reviews etc on that and to lose it all will big a huge tragedy.

ricecooker is basically a documentation of the scene, at least an attempt at keeping a record of things happening, which I have always think very important. why would anyone want to harm it? I just do not understand.

anyway, one of the site’s subscribers told me:

“I checked out the site, and I have an idea how it got hacked. You were still running phpbb 2.0.10 which is vulnerable to an exploit that also gives access to the sql database. It’s advisable to update to 2.0.14 phpb”

so if you’re running phpbb 2.0.10, hear the warning siren.

Joe Kidd


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