Friday, 17th April 2010: A Bit of Dung in Adelaide! The Twin Carburetors!


Organised by Dung ex-members Lee & Pari, both living in Adelaide; with appearances from Kuala Lumpur friends: members of The Pilgrims, The Republic Brickfields, Kugiran D’Tepi Pantai etc.


So it happened that Kugiran D’Tepi Pantai (featuring The Pilgrims old guitarist Kombat) was invited to play a Malaysian student event in Melbourne, Aru (Koffin Kanser & The Republic of Brickfields) tagged along from KL; and Lee (Dung’s old singer, also original The Pilgrims) joined in the fun; he went down there from Adelaide and appeared on stage with Kugiran, playing a few old The Pilgrims & Dung tunes.

A few days later, they all went to Lee & Pari (also ex-Dung from the first line-up) place in Adelaide and had this gig; a bit of Carburetor Dung re-union of sorts in Adelaide with a proper gig and also a celebration for Lee’s birthday.


Here’s a part of the show where they played DUNG tunes:




Joe Kidd


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