Thursday, 7th & Friday, 8th August 2008: Dung @ USM, Penang (Cancelled)

I’m invited to talk in a conference themed Commercialization, Constestation and Creative Culture, basically a talk with a critical perspective on culture. “There’ll be concurrent discussions going on and one of them is about music (topic title – Popular Music: Commercialization, Cooptation and Consumption) blah, blah..

Anyway, I’m hoping for Dung to have a gig there during the talk.

Joe Kidd


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3 Responses

  1. ayien says:

    dung di usm penang.. alamak aku study kat usm klantan.. lain kali kalu bole korang dtg la usm klantan plak ye.. thanks…
    by the way..aku rase berbaloi jugak ade talk macam ni.. supaya masyarakat kat luar tu lebih memahami dan berpikiran i’ll support this event and hope that this going to be the best talk ever..

  2. myo @bol @s says:

    caya la bro gi USM ye…..well, any plan to ipoh for any conference maybe… last time i saw u in ipoh was at the YKP house on 2003 for the indiependent conference..

  3. saiful says:

    wow, this is good revolution for our free community. i hope dung have their gig at usm. Because i’m are there and always support you’ll from behind.

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