Still Pissed After All These Years Comp Review

Our good friend Subs stumbled upon a review of the CD-R (btw; still available as FREE download here). Apart from mistaking where DUNG is from (we are apparently from the Philippines!) and some of the song titles, the review is rather good!



“Philippine hardcore legends Carburetor Dung have, as their name implies, specialized in sloppy punk with a sense of jaded humor for the past decade. “Still Pissed” covers a sort of best of going back to 1993’s “Songs for Friends,” and includes samples from other records and anthology appearances, as well as two tracks from their most recent, 2008’s “Ingin Ku Rejam Rakasa Kejam.”

The two most recent tracks lead off the set, and show the band hasn’t strayed too far from their roots. While “Semua Sama Semua Bosan (Everything’s The Same, Everything’s Boring)” has some prog touches,

“Hanturaya Putrajaya (Putrajaya’s Diabolical Ghost)” is the best hardcore song I’ve heard in years: loud, fast, snotty, off-key sax in the back of the mix; pure Gang Green meets Fear. Whoa.

The band, anchored since the beginning by bassist Fendi and Joe Kidd on guitar, have a frenzied old school sound that is fresh and fist-pumping. While not meant to be anthems (this band is nothing if not geniuses of the anti-statement), songs like “Mari Nyanyi Menjilat (Lets Sing The Licking Arse Song)” and “Johnny (Punk Not Death!)” fit anyone’s definition of anthems.

From “The Allure of Manure” mini-record of 1999, steamy goodness emanates from “The Line” and “Do Nothing” while from their debut, while any song restores your faith in humanity, “Carburetor Dance,” “Song for a Friend,” and the sardonic “Labour of Hate,” (an off-key, sloppy drunken acoustic masterpiece) do stand out.

With the appropriately named collection, Carburetor Dung reveal a mostly unknown catalog of gems from one of the greatest hardcore bands you’ve never heard of. “Still Pissed After All These Years” can be had for free through the band; get it. It’s damaged and glorious stuff.”

reviewed by Mike Wood on 2010-07-26

BTW: Dung is again mistaken from another country in this news post by that magazine FHM Philippines (!!!). This time we are an Indonesian band! : “Dung…still pissed after all these years at B-Side.

It seems that every week B-Side has something up their sleeve that surprises most of us. This week, they’re bringing Carburetor Dung from Indonesia to give us a sampling of indie music from our Asian neighbor.” – from here

Joe Kidd


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