Saturday, 9th January 2010 – Carburetor Dung goes “A-KAOS-TIC” @ Frinjan 7, Shah Alam


Dung playing another all acoustic set! The last time we played this way; Joe & Tom were on acoustic guitars, with Fendi on electric bass and Bullet on minimal drums (just the kick, snare and a cymbal).

It’s also the band’s first show for the new year! So come and join in the fun. We are scheduled to play between 9 to 10 PM. The Ricecooker Shop will have a stall open at 5.30PM.

Map: here

Joe Kidd


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1 Response

  1. GombakRock says:

    aren’t we all the victims
    aren’t we all a joke
    eyes awake but we’re sleeping
    we run!

    gua masih tak dapat lupakan performances korang masa party AI… terutama time korang perform lagu ni!! tak sabar nak tunggu frinjan 7 sabtu ni! jumpa sana brader!

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