Category: newsmell

Twin Carburetors! 2

Twin Carburetors!

As reported, our ex-members Lee and Pari, has formed a new band in Adelaide, Australia. Now they have decided to use the name TWIN CARBURETORS! I think it’s just spot-on! Now they have two...

RIP: Our old friend, Boy Punisher / Naked Butterfly 0

RIP: Our old friend, Boy Punisher / Naked Butterfly

One of our old friends from the early days of the local scene died today. Boy, guitarist of pioneer thrash metal band Punisher (he later on played for funk-rockers Naked Butterfly) died Sunday July...

Carburetor Dung, the Australian chapter! 1

Carburetor Dung, the Australian chapter!

Just got off the phone talking to our old vocalist Lee in Adelaide, Australia and the best news I heard is that Lee and Pari (AKA Shahfari, our 1st guitarist who’s also living in...

Radio Malaya Compilation CD, no lyrics! 1

Radio Malaya Compilation CD, no lyrics!

There’s no lyrics printed on the comp as we wanted it and BodySurf said that “there’s no space on the sleeve”. It is quite cramped but they could have inserted photocopied lyric-sheets! What is...

Radio Malaya Compilation CD 1

Radio Malaya Compilation CD

NOTE: listen to a snippet of Carburetor Dung’s contribution, Mari Nyanyi Menjilat at Dung@MySpace Now Available! from BodySurf: “RADIO MALAYA COMPILATION OUT NOW!!!! Pada sapa2 yg berminat untuk mendapatkan AWAL!! compilation ini,anda bole order...

The Radio Malaya Session 2

The Radio Malaya Session

We took up more than four hours to record a single song last night. But we did it and now the song is in Meor BodySurf’s hands and according to him the whole compilation...