Author: Joe Kidd
Saturday, 7th July 2007: Folk The System! Part 1 @ The Annexe
Abang Guard’s first gig ever! And it was not even supposed to happen. Zai came up from Singapore, Bullet turned up at the shop, and while other people were playing we devised a bass-line...
Boo Hoo by a mysterious bunch of burly boys somewhere
Do the Boo Hoo, complete with rock kankang solos! posted by: kay9599
3rd Album Done! Yay!
We finished recording at about midnight last night, with another 4 songs in the can. This means we have 9 songs for the next release. Songs recorded last night: 1. Hanturaya Putrajaya 2. Macam...
We are recording, finally!
The band is currently back in the studio, and this time for a new album, finally. It’s been more than 8 years since we went into a studio and recorded our 2nd album back...
WPFD2007: A wee report
First of all, much thanks and big love for the CIJ gang and Sei Hon (Troubadours KL) for the show. We had massive fun that night, and we could have gone on for a...