Author: Joe Kidd

Boo Hoo by some band in Bintulu 0

Boo Hoo by some band in Bintulu

Exactly like the original recording, including the vocals & solos! Don’t know what band this is though, the tag says “The Boys of Bintulu” uploaded by MrArin68

Lee jamming with D’Kugiran in Melbourne 0

Lee jamming with D’Kugiran in Melbourne

D’Kugiran features The Pilgrims guitarist Kombat; so when the band played Melbourne recently, Lee (our old vocalist and also The Pilgrims’ original vocalist) joined in for a few numbers. Sua Sue Good Morning: The...

Home Jam & Emma 0

Home Jam & Emma

It’s been a while since all of us meet for a jam, well at least with Tom. So we had a meet at Joe’s house and had a nice time larking around with a...

DUNG @ GHOST Videos & Pixs 0

DUNG @ GHOST Videos & Pixs

No rehearsal. Everybody in the band turned up apart from Tom (who’s brother was getting married in Pilah). We played 5 songs. and yes, most pleasantly our old friends LUK HAAS & wife RUDINA...