Tagged: Spunky Funggy
Saturday, 27th November 2004 – Sapu-Sapu 3000 @ Paul’s Place, Damansara Utama
Not sure if we played the show or we bailed. Prolly not. Sapu-Sapu was a series of shows organised by singer-songwriter Azmyl Yunor.
Saturday, 10th January 2004: Sapu-Sapu Nomber Satu @ Paul’s Place
with: Maharajah Commission, Spunky Funggy, Ta, Ciplak, Reza & Riki Yamashita. RM5 | 2pm @ Paul’s Place, Damansara Uptown.
Saturday, 28th September 2002 – Klang Koval Town Show, Plaza Metro Klang
Prolly didn’t lay this show.