Smelly News: February 1998 to August 2004

note: all these taken from the old site, nothing but for its pure sentimental value; well, maybe because my memory’s fading lah.

NEWS ITEMS: 1998 to 2004


Saturday August 15th 2004: Jakarta Menyerang!
with Jakarta’s Relationshit & Wuhan, China’s SMZB and also local bands Last Minute, Jahat & Cross Out Line

time & ticket: 2pm, RM12
venue: Paul’s Place, Uptown Damansara, PJ

note: We’ll be playing with two visiting bands! One from China and the other from Jakarta. It’ll be special and we aim to just play all-new stuff too.


Sunday August 1st 2004: I Thrash, Therefore I Am
with old timers, Punisher, Nemesis, Silent Death, Infectious Maggots, The Pilgrims & Naked Butterfly.

time and ticket: 2PM till 10pm, RM20
venue: Chin Woo Stadium, jalan Hang jebat, across the road from the Malaysian Basketball Association (MABA) and very near to Stadium Negara in KL

This is gonna be a special show where bands from the late 80s and early 90s reforming and coming together for a show! It’s going to be a blast, and the current line-up plan to have as many old Dung band members as we can on stage, playing tunes from the early days and also new ones. So far ex-drummers Ollie and Lan Bear will join us. Our first proper singer (on the Songs for Friends album) will NOT be able to make it as he got a family wedding that very day. BUMMER. But we are still hoping for Lee (singer on Allure of Manure) and Pari (lead guitarist on Song for Friends) to come back from Adelaide, Australia for the show. Fingers crossed.


Sunday 18th July 2004: New song recorded!

Early this morning, we recorded a song properly for the first time since Allure of Manure in 1998! It was done at Bakri’s studio in Sri Hartamas, from midnight till about 4am.

We did our very own take on Hijrah’s never-properly-recorded song “Johnny” (from the 1990 A Pilgrimage to Nowhere demo). Since the original recording actually didn’t have proper lyrics (Lee improvised on the original), we wrote our own and its in Malay. Anyway, we like the result and we’ll mix it later today (Sunday July 19th).

The song is recorded for the upcoming compilation from the Coalition Zine gang in Terengganu; featuring bands doing songs by the early version of The Pilgrims/Hijrah. If everything goes well, it’ll be out very-very soon.

At the moment we have about 15 new songs to be selected for a split with Kuchalana. This will be recorded in August. After that we will work on a full album which we already have about 10 songs lined up.


we played >Saturday, March 27 2004 in Ipoh – March Mosh

with Kuchalana, Free Love, M.U.Z.E., F.O.R., & Oddstar 13
4pm, RM 15 + free soft drink @ Tekno Disko Dutt, No. 18/20, Tingkat 1, Jalan Che Tak 30300 IPOH (behind ESSO Petrol Station, Pekan Baru).

note: one of the best show we played for quite a while. 11 songs with the new tunes shocking some people for it’s very different nature to the “old” Dung style. Prior to us getting on stage, FOR played and our singer Alak went stage-diving (even when there’s not much of a stage to begin with!) and so nobody caught him. Alak bumped his head on the floor and was knocked out cold for a good ten minutes. we had to revive in with buckets of water. Anyway he recovered in time for us to play and for him to sing. And he sang nicely all the 11 songs. Funny thing was, once we were finished, Alak said he can’t remember anything, even the part where he was singing! “Did I sing?,” he asked. We had to show him the video a few days later to finally convince him.


we played > Friday Night, March 12 2004 Sapu-Sapu 2
with Ben’s Bitches, Triple 6 Poser, Freelove, Ciplak, Never Thought Of That & Evert. RM10, 8.30pm @ Paul’s Place, Damansara Uptown.

note: had good fun, read the review here:
ricecooker zine


we played > Saturday Jan 24 04 – Die Young Stay Pretty
(NBT Farewell Party & Food Not Bombs KL Benefit)
with: Force Vomit, FastGame, Pusher, Kuchalana, Minority/DEP, Oddity, Mass Separation & Shock System.
8.30 pm – No Black Tie, KL – RM 10

note: lotsa fun. Dung played last and finished the show at about 3 am in the morning. managed to raise RM 1, 800 for Food Not Bombs KL. For the first time ever, our new vocalist Alak handled all the vocals.


we played > Saturday Jan 10 04 Sapu-Sapu Nomber Satu
with: Maharajah Commission, Spunky Funggy, Ta, Ciplak, Reza & Riki Yamashita. RM5 | 2pm @ Paul’s Place, Damansara Uptown.

note: pretty unnerving. for the first time in years there were more people sitting down and looking instead of singing along and jumping around! felt pretty awkward as we use to fuck about without anyone noticing when we play the old singalongs. now kena play proper!


31st Dec 03 Unclogged New Years Eve

Unclogged New Years

This is the band’s first gig after last year’s new year eve! The line-up was Joe on guitar and vocals, Fendi on bass and Mahfuz on drums. We played 8 songs, two of them newbies (Potong Nama and The Fine Line of Numb) and a reworking of Labour of Hate from the first album. Alak sang Oppression.

Other bands who played: Apparatus, Telebury, Couple, WindChime, Ben’s Bitches, Sampah Masyarakat & Ciplak.


Final week 2003 Dung is back!

After talks of taking in Shaiful (ex-The Pilgrims) on bass and Alak (Pusher) on the other guitar, the band started jamming again as a trio with Joe, Fendi and Mahfuz (Kuchalana) on drums. Working as a trio proved to be easier and faster when the band needs to brush up in a jiffy.

Rehearsals started first at Black Widow in PJ but the place was terrible in terms of its sound, so we moved to another studio in Sri Hartamas, run by a friend called Bakri and it’s way better. We jammed almost everyday to prepare for the Unclogged New Years at NoBlackTie.


Oct 03 we do nothing!

Back in August 03 we found a new drummer, Mahfuz of Kuchalana. The problem is he lives in Kuala Terengganu, so we have to get him down to KL to jam.

New songs are being written and we plan to record in December (fingers crossed!). At the moment, me and Fendi are really busy cari-makan, and also on Fendi’s side, jaga-anak. We are planning to start jamming this November, hopefully with Mahfuz but if he can’t make it, we’re looking at another drummer friend.

We’ve also got ourselves a bassist and also another guitarist, but we’ll tell you once we’ve started rehearsals.


Sept 03 Songs for Friends anniversary

Yes. It’s been 10 years since Songs For Friends were released. me and Fendi didn’t celebrate though. Too damn busy to care.


June 03 Non-Conformity Comp out!

Knot Records puts out Non-Conformity Volume One comp which features 3 rough and sloppy songs by Carburetor Dung. all new songs we wrote late last year and recorded with the line-up of Lee, Joe, Fendi and Panther. Very raw, fast and pissed-off stuff. Go visit Knot Records website to order the CD.

Knot Records website


April 03 Joe in Australia + visited Lee

I hung out Lee and family in Adelaide for a week, on my way to the interiors and alco coming back from Port Lincoln. They have a nice house very near to town. One night me and Lee walked back from a boring emo gig in town and it took us about 30 minutes. loadsa sweat lah!


UNCLOGGED XIII Dec 31st 2002

Yes, we played and somebody flew high and broke the aircond covering at NBT. Loadsa fun. we also played a new song “Potong Nama Tutup Buku”. I’m supposed to pput up pictures here but the server’s acting weird, it wouldn’t allow new pages. I try to sort this very soon.



Carburetor Dung will start jamming this last week of December to prepare for our last gig with Lee. Panther will play drums. The event will be Unclogged XII (12th) at No Black Tie on the New Year’s Eve (Tuesday, 31st December 2002) along with Force Vomit, Kamikaze 45, Pusher, Maharajah Commission, Muck, Windchime, Salleh ben Joned & Tiramisu.

Nevermind Rock The World III, Here’s Unclogged XII!
Date: Tuesday, December 31st 2002
Venue: No Black Tie, 27 Jln.Mesui, Off Jln.Nagasari (behind the Istana Hotel), Bukit Bintang, KL. tel: 03-21488110
Entrance: RM 10 as usual


Lee’s leaving the coop!

With Lee confirmed to migrate/relocate with his family to Adelaide, Australia on Jan 17 2003, Dung is facing it’s final days, that is unless Joe and Fendi decided to go on with a new line-up something which both of us are thinking feverishly about. The new line-up (if we ever decided to go ahead) will need a new drummer and bassist as Fendi is thinking about taking over the vocals.


Early December 2002

Carburetor Dung was invited to play at a fundraising show in conjunction with the Festival of Rights organised by human rights organisation HAKAM but we were hampered by the Hari Raya holidays with Lee away in Kuantan and all of us uncontactable for weeks.


Sept to Nov 2002

We kept jamming after the Blue Planet gig, rehearsing 4 new songs for a compilation done by Pusher’s Knot Records but had to stop in November when Fendi got busy again.

This has affected the planned recording for the comp, ending up with us giving Knot Records four songs recorded at the Revolution jam studio using an MD recorder which is something we don’t want to do.

Click here and download one of the four new songs; Potong Nama, Tutup Buku (Cross Out The Name, Close The Book) – a song about outright alienation and the pompous rejection of differring ideas, alternative views and new outlook; a typical reaction by those who think they wrote and own the “rule book” as if there’s one.



After the World For Sale debacle, Carburetor Dung finally played our first show in many, many years. The gig was held in conjunction with the release of Mass Separation’s new CD, “Feed Your Conscience”.

It was held at The Blue Planet, on Jalan P. Ramlee, a club that used to be a yuppie haunt known as Modestos which has now turned into a live pub one of the few venues the DIY scene in KL has for its gigs.

go here for pictures and more: Blue Planet Sept 14


July to August 2002

Through out July and August, there were flyers of gigs happening in Klang and also Batu Pahat that said Carburetor Dung will be playing but we were never approached for it and as for the Klang show, we never confirmed it.


14 July 2002:

Carburetor Dung was up and ready to join the other bands at the World For Sale gig in Ampang yesterday but the police showed up and stopped the show halfway through!

Reason? Well, we don’t even know for sure. But we heard somebody complained that there were kids hanging around the area and thought that maybe there’s gonna be a riot/demo, hence the arrival of the men in blue.

Another sad day for all of us. Somebody mentioned how jinxed is the reformed Dung. When everything went well in the band’s camp, something crap would turn up to thwart us again and again.

That said, our spirits are high and eager to keep it up. New songs are being written and hopefully we’ll be playing soon. Sorry to those who turned up to see us that day.

a brief report here: CRAP!



Date: Saturday, 13th July 2002
Time: 1pm till end
Admission: RM12
Venue: Elementz (ex-Embassy, beside Ampang Park KL)
Bands: Carburetor Dung, Opprobrium Adornment, Fast Game, Cannabis, HellSister, Relationsheep, DashOwn, One Shot + two special guest bands from across the causeway.

? (title not known yet)
Date : Saturday, 7th September 2002
Time: to be announced
Admission: to be announced
Venue: Elementz (ex-Embassy, beside Ampang Park KL)
Bands: Carburetor Dung, Spunky Funggy, Muck, Shizuka, Heterodox and more to be announced.


07 July 2002:

Carburetor Dung is finally jamming again, readying ourselves for a gig on July 13th in Ampang, KL. We jammed proper for the first time after years of not being together last Friday July 5th at The Jam Studio, SS2. Felt good.

The drummer for now is Panther (who used to play for Enslaved Chaos) but we may use Asma (DEP/Monsoon) for the gig. There’s plans to take on a 2nd guitarist in the form of Meny, who also used to play for Enslaved Chaos.

note: the attempt to play at Air Panas on May 11th didn’t work out, Moxuan/Ta’s Yandsen decided he can’t play punk rock drums so Lee went back home while Joe & Fendi gatecrashed a fundraising dinner instead.


11 May 2002:

Carburetor was supposed to play at the Chow Kit Fest on May 4th 2002 but Fendi had to go back to Penang the night before. and while I’m writing this, the band is supposed to play at Air Panas Art Gallery in a few hours time and we are still waiting for Lee. so I wonder if we’ll ever get back back together proper and play! We shall see.

BTW, we have two alternating drummers at the moment. Asma of DEP/Monsoon and also Yandsen of Moxuan.


in the period between September 1999 and June 2002, Carburetor Dung rested. Band members got married, with both Lee and Fendi having babies. attempts at rehearsing proved futile, one of us would be busy or out of town.

NONE! The band has decided to sit on our fat arses and do other stuff for a while. Joe & Fendi are concentrating on The Shitworkers.



Carburetor Dung’s 7″ Sheepfarming In Malaysia pressed in London and coming into Malaysia very soon. As was announced earlier, it doesn’t have any new recordings! Just a collection of four songs, three from The Allure Of Manure and one from Dari Jemapoh Ke Manchestee.

We will have two songs in the upcoming Asian Punk compilation CD in Japan.

There’s also a song coming out in a 3-CD compilation in Canada.




Ä¢ Joe & Fendi revived The Shitworkers for possible gigs & recordings.
Ä¢ Dung stopped playing live, that is until we have some new songs.



Ä¢ Joe went off to Australia, trekking through Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne with I-Lann and Amid The Mimic’s Yin Pin.



The band played all over the country Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan, Seremban, PJ, Damansara, Batu Pahat, Segamat and Taiping; with invitations to play JB, KB, Ipoh etc. Some gigs just didn’t happen coz either one of us was busy with work or coz we were just dead tired.



The Allure Of Manure mini-LP released under our own label AGE.


JANUARY 2nd ’99

Dung is still in the studio!

We ended up spending five days in the studio going from 11am till 7pm before we think the recording is ready. This Monday 4th, we’ll back there to do the mixing with Bullet. Aru of Koffin Kanser did a bit part during the recording, a bit of fierce solo on Don’t Wanna Be You and also voices on Happy (new version)


DECEMBER 13th 1998

Dung in the studio!

The band is getting into Twin Studio for 14 hrs on Monday and Tuesday (14 & 15th Dec) to record eight songs for the long awaited EP The Allure Of Manure. The songs titles are: Wide Awake, Hole, Payday, Don’t Wanna Be You, The Line, Our Voice/The Flag, Happy (again!) and a cover of The Specials’ Do Nothing with new lyrics by us.

All of these songs are nothing new to those who had been to our gigs but this is the first time they’re all going to be recorded (apart from Happy, which was on the Jemapoh soundtrack, but this time Lee will handle the vocals!).

Dari Jemapoh Ke Manchestee in Singapore!

Film director Hishamuddin Rais said last night that the movie which Carburetor Dung appeared in will first open in Singapore in late January or early February. So if you’re living down-south, it’ll be good to hop over and check it out.

We’re not going to get any awards for the “acting” tho’. In the movie, we “jammed” on stage with ex-The Swallows’ Kassim Selamat while one of the film’s main characters became our “vocalist”. You’ll also see a “new” drummer for the scene – he’s from a band called Strummin’ Wire who helped us out since Lee & Ollie were away in Germany during the shoot in ’97. There’s still no news on Malaysian screening though. Hisham wouldn’t comment on that.

The All That Jazz Caper Update

Well, a representative of Artist Pro-Activ came to the Dung house a few weeks ago and we had a long talk on what happened and it’s now very much resolved. We’ve come to an understanding that we are on the same path is just that they work in a very different, more professional level than us lowly street creatures.

The charity show went on all right and APA managed to raise RM 2,000 for their upcoming activities. Dung were “banned” for playing that night because we didn’t turn-up at the rehearsal (which we wanted to but can’t due to the busy schedules of the band members) and the rehearsal was IMPORTANT since they wanna cram a whole lot of people on stage and don’t want to have any glitches. In short, they don’t want us going on stage and start screwing up the show with a chaotic soundcheck! Well, we did that all the time, so we thought it’ll be okay. Well, it’s not okay in their book.

Actually, they wanted us to play the second night, but the somebody who supposed to call us up somehow didn’t. Oh, well. Whatever it is, the case is settled, we’ll play for APA if anything comes up. Thanks to Saedah for clearing up the matter. She actually went to Kuantan to see us play!


NOVEMBER 29th 1998

Stormy Sunday in Kuantan

Yup! Lee came back and we played together again in Kuantan on Nov 29th, dragging along our new friends LYME with us. Had a good time there, the first time we played there since the drunken TMS DangDut gig.

Other bands playing were Pointless Judgement, Arm In Arm and ex-Mutilation meets Maggots project, Neurotic. Thanks to all at DEP Studio, the guys at Ayi’s place at Medan Warisan, also Saidah, Evelyn and Rafique for taking us to Cherating. And of course, Mr. Moon himself, Chris.


NOVEMBER 16th 1998

The All That Jazz caper!

Well, we didn’t play at that 3-day APA thingy. In fact, we were thrown out from the line-up! Why? The reason was that we didn’t go for the soundcheck. Yeah, we supposed to soundcheck but we never turned up since Fendi and Ollie were busy with their jobs.

When we got there, main man Micheal Veerapen was just sitting at his piano, ignoring our arrival, looking regal and all, saying nothing. The makcik who co-organised it also sat nearby with this embarrassed hue on her face. So Joe went near their “isolationist”, “we don’t know” stance and asked them what happened. She told me that we were banned from playing due to the aforementioned cause.

We felt treated like some scumbags off the street, like we are not worthy enough to grace the stage along with them “politically-conscious” “ARTISTS. Just because we didn’t come for the soundcheck. It’s hilarious. I mean, we don’t need a soundcheck at all. Just go up, fiddle with the amp and go. We’re not some widdly, widdly Berkeley-trained “musicians”.

The whole kaboodle, the show, was about having a say on the current situation in the country. It’s NOT supposed to be an ELITIST shite! Well, that’s how we see the whole APA (Artist Pro-Activ) bull now. Just a bunch of Nazis actually. There’s a lesson to be learnt here. If you’re an “underground” band, and you want to help out with things that’s more “upmarket”, working with some damn hi-browed, self-important yuppies; DON’T!

They will only treat you as a token “novelty” act. Whatever it is that we feel strongly about, be it political or social issues, doesn’t matter or of any importance to them, UNLESS you are playing some lame, toothless washed-out jazz, classical etc. Be aware of this attitude from these people. We, naively, thought that we were in the same boat here. Obviously NOT.



Dung playing three nights at All That Jazz!

Our band will be playing for three nights straight from November 12 to 14 at All That Jazz, Damansara Heights (near Modesto’s). It’s a fund-raiser and also festival for APA or Artist Pro Activ, a loose coalition of painters, musicians, actors etc. having a say on the many injustices we’ve been subjected to after Anwar’s arrest.

The nights will feature spoken word, poetry reading, bands, sketches etc. Carburetor Dung will play five songs every night The price of admission is a bit steep tho’ – RM20 per night. We’re playing for free. It’s for the cause. See you there.

Lee is back in the band!

Immediately after arrival in KL from Germany, where he loitered with his friends for three months, Lee is back in Carburetor Dung. All the misunderstandings between him and the band members have been settled! Since then we have jammed three times, including writing four new songs! We are going to record very soon!


OCTOBER 4th 1998

Ipoh gig

Dung played as trio in Ipoh on October 4th along with many other bands from Ipoh, Taiping and KL.



Singer Lee Left Dung!

Longtime singer Lee, our second after Shahlan, has left the band in late January ’98 (exactly two days before Hari Raya) complaining about the band’s rather sluggish progress. His main complaint is that he has been in the band for three years and no new recordings has been done to follow up ’93’s Songs For Friends album.

His decision shocked us all. That said, Dung will carry on with three core members (Joe, Fendi & Ollie) with Jijoe helping whenever he’s available. No love lost though. Lee is still our friend and it is hoped that he will agree to help us record our EP soon.

Dung in independent film & soundtracks

Three songs were recorded by the band for Hishamuddin Rais’ film Dari Jemapoh Ke Manchestee which is scheduled to premier at the Singapore International Film Fest in April ’98.

The band also appear live on stage (with selected members Joe, Shahlan, Fendi & session drummer Shidee from Strummin’ Wire) in a segment of the film. Dung also jammed with 60s a-go-go icon Kassim Selamat (The Swallows’ vocalist).

The songs recorded are Oppression (with Fendi on main vocals), Boo Hoo Clapping Song (with Joe singing horribly!)and a new one, Happy (with Joe again!). All were recorded when our vocalist Lee was away vacationing in Germany in mid-97. The old songs were particularly requested by Hisham!

The film soundtrack, which will be out before April, also feature Damage Digital, Koffin Kanser, Republic Of Brickfields, Babushka (Joe’s project trio) and a solo instrumental by Jijoe as Eat Boiled Crowe.


1991 till 1998:

hmmm. the odd oldskool diary entries, pixs, newspaper cuttings etc. will find time to have them all here!